
Transforming legal issues into commercial decisions that you can make with confidence.


  • Negotiation and deal structure.

  • Heads of Agreement and MOU’s

  • Due diligence for M&A and insolvency

  • Technology management (Ansarada, Relativity)

  • Employee incentives and outplacement

  • Compliance Matrixes


  • Corporate Structuring

  • Capital raising

  • Shareholder agreements, minority shareholder issues

  • Director’s duties

  • Company secretarial

  • Press releases and continuous disclosure requirements

Technology Contracts

  • MSAs, SOWs and SLAs

  • Licences

  • Assignments

  • Marketing

  • Product development

  • NDAs and Deeds of Confidentiality

  • Distribution

  • Restraints

  • Contractor engagement

Intellectual Property

  • Patent and design registrations

  • Brand protection / trade mark registrations and portfolio management

  • Advertisement clearances

  • Copyright

  • Confidential information and know-how

Technology and Information

  • FinTech, Regtech, LawTech

  • Machine Learning

  • Automation

  • IoT

  • R&D incentives and grants

Privacy and Data

  • Privacy Act compliance including mandatory reporting

  • Privacy Policies and Collection Notices

  • GDPR compliance

  • Cybersecurity and Essential 8

  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

  • Consumer Data Rights (CDRs) and Accredited Data Recipient (ADR’s)

  • Open Banking

Consumer Law

  • Ad clearances (including AANA guidelines and ASB complaints)

  • Online Risk management strategies (QR codes, augmented reality and establishment of social media platforms for twitter, facebook and Instagram).

  • Competition and Consumer law – ACLs (express guarantees, misleading and deceptive conduct and terms and conditions of trade. Section 155 notices)

  • Supply Agreements

  • Distribution Agreements

  • Licencing and royalty

  • Cross-border transactions